Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Post & Background

I've been smoke free since October 20, 2011! I'll expand on this later, more about the Tornado-T tank e-cigarette and Johnson Creek smoke juice. I just wanted to make this initial post to save this place to come back to later. Premixed smoke juice flavors can be fine in themselves but as tastes vary so can juices. Mixing to taste is a great way to enjoy vaping! I intend on using this blog as a form of self expression and a way to reference back on flavor experiences, good and bad. This should allow more enjoyment and less waste. I hope it helps others in their own search for vaping goodness!


  1. A few background points before specifying juice mixing...
    First, tastes change. Not only between individuals but also for each individual. At first it is more desired to closely approximate smoke flavors and taste. It makes it possible and easy to switch to vaping with almost no difficulties at all.
    But after vaping for a while it is not only a natural progression to move away from more throat hot/harshness and smoke-like flavors but beneficial especially in regards to never smoking again.
    After a few weeks I smoked half a cigarette and had no desire to finish it, in fact I had every desire to throw it away.
    Secondly, after a few months vaping I noticed residual throat irritation. Whether this is from PG juice or a residual issue caused by smoking is unclear but I have noticed less with non-PG juice and smoother juices that offer less throat hit.

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